Web Scraper 0.6.5 release
September 09, 2022
web scraping, release

For the last few months, we have been working towards the Web Scraper 0.6.5 release and finally, it is here!
Mainly, our focus has been on 'under the hood' features, with the goal of making the UX as seamless as possible. Sadly, no fancy new selectors this time round, but, the experience and workflow of the tool should be improved significantly. There has been a couple of new features added as well as a lot of validators, bug fixed and tons and tons of refactoring
So, you might ask, what will be different moving forward? Here is the breakdown:
- Sitemap sync has now also been added for Firefox
- Now, the scraped data will be exported in the order in which it was scraped
- The Element Scroll Selector has a new, optional, element limit added to it
- Multiple edge-case issues with page load detection
- Element Click Selector now works within shadow-root
- Patch for special characters being exported incorrectly via XLSX
- Data Extractor will automatically strip invalid UTF-8 characters from the text
- The delay option has been removed from most selectors that did not need this option
- Loads and loads of refactoring…
And, mostly, that is it for this release. We would love to hear your feedback about the new version of Web Scraper.
We are still working on exciting new things in the background and we will keep you up to date as we go along.
Happy scraping!