
Sitemap sync

Sitemap sync allows conveniently update sitemap versions between Web Scraper Cloud and Web Scraper extension. Sitemap sync can be enabled by connecting the Cloud account to the extension. A single Cloud account can be synced with multiple extensions at a time.

Connecting Cloud to extension

Cloud account can be connected to extension by opening the extension in devtools and clicking on Sign in to Cloud in the top right corner.

Sign in to Cloud

This will open the Cloud's authentication page or extension authentication page if already authenticated. Click on Connect cloud with extension. After the success message has prompted, refresh the sitemap list in the extension. If the extension has been previously connected to Cloud but disconnected via extension, the Re-connect cloud with extension button will show instead.

Disconnecting Cloud from extension

The extension can be disconnected from Cloud by opening the extension in devtools and clicking on Logout in the top right corner.

Logout from Cloud

After disconnecting the extension from Cloud, all Cloud sitemaps that were not downloaded in extension will be discarded from the sitemap list.

Synchronization states

icon state description
Sitemap is not synced latest sitemap version can't be determined sitemap names match between Cloud and extension
but latest sitemap version can't be determined by
looking at both sitemap editing history
Sitemap is not synced latest sitemap is in Cloud last update was made to sitemap in Cloud
Sitemap is not synced latest sitemap is in extension last update was made to sitemap in extension
Sitemap is synced sitemaps are synchronized Cloud and extension have the same sitemap
Sitemap is only in Cloud sitemap is only in Cloud sitemap is only in Cloud but can be downloaded in
extension for editing. Sitemap will download
automatically if opened
Sitemap is only in extension sitemap is only in extension sitemap is only in extension but can be uploaded to

Sync limitations

User has a limit of 50 sitemap sync actions per 15 minutes.

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